Proudly Serving Greensboro,
High Point, and the Triad Area of NC
Focused On Helping Charities Throughout Greensboro, NC
Initiated in January 2020, GoodWorks NC chooses local foundations and causes to attribute a portion of our earnings throughout Greensboro, NC, and surrounding areas. Whether for hunger, housing, health, education, or another issue, each dollar makes a difference to someone in need. Call our team at
336-209-3430 to learn how you can help.

Community Housing Solutions

"Our mission is to make Guilford County homes warmer, drier, and safer by providing repairs and ownership opportunities to low-income homeowners."
As a professional home services group, we've found a supportive and fulfilling alignment partnering with CHS. We're happy to announce that we were a Gold Sponsor in Q3/Q4 2020! CHS is a local housing charity created through a partnership between the Center to create housing opportunities, Greensboro Housing Coalition, Habitat for Humanity of Greater Greensboro, and the City of Greensboro. Learn More.
Let's admit it: 2020 was hard. There was much uncertainty, grief, and fear. Many of our Guilford County neighbors are holding onto hope that the future brings home repairs that will make their home - their sanctuary - warm, dry, and safe. We currently have 33 home repairs partially completed or waiting to start. We also have 62 homeowners that are waiting for a home repair assessment. Funding is needed to make these repairs happen. As we approach new beginnings, would you help other homeowners like the ones shown above? Your gift will make a difference.

"Thank you so much for your support of Community Housing Solutions and our mission. Your gift is even more important now as we find ourselves in these uncertain times. Our construction team continues to make life-changing home repairs for our neighbors in need working only outdoors and without the help of our volunteers. Thank you so much for all your group has done for us. We look forward to an event with your group later this year.

Take care and stay safe!"
— Cheryl Brandberg,
Development Director,
Community Housing Solutions
CHS Wish List
CHS is open to donations from the community to support our cause. Some items we need are:
5 Oil-filled Radiant Space Heaters
Work Van
Small Step-Up Box Truck
Gift Cards to Home Depot
Construction Needs
Utility Knives
Paint Brushes
Tape Measurers
Speed Squares
Heavy-Duty Circular Saw
6' Levels
Small Shop Vac
Knee Pads
Office Needs
Copy/Print/Scan/Fax Machine
Desktop Laser Printer

Interested in being our next charity focus? Call 336-209-3430 to discuss your foundation.